Decisions made at the most recent meeting of the Surrey Heath Borough Council Executive on 16 November included:
Designation of the Deepcut Neighbourhood Forum
SHBC has received an application to designate a Neighbourhood Forum for the Deepcut Neighbourhood Area, under Regulation 8 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. The previous Neighbourhood Forum designation for this area had expired in 2019. A Neighbourhood Forum can create a Neighbourhood Plan, which helps to determine planning applications in their area.
The Executive resolved that the application to designate the Neighbourhood Forum for the Deepcut Neighbourhood Area be approved and be named the ‘Deepcut Neighbourhood Forum’.
Collectively Camberley Levy
Camberley town centre has a Business Improvement District (BID) which is run by Collectively Camberley. Collectively Camberley support the town and its businesses with marketing and events to increase footfall. The presence of a BID is voted for by town centre businesses and has recently been re-elected for third 5-year term to run from 2021 to 2026. Collectively Camberley is funded by levies collected from town centre businesses and SHBC.
The Executive considered a request to make an advance payment of Business Improvement District (BID) levy due in respect of the 2021/22 BID year to Collectively Camberley Limited.
The Executive resolved that an advance payment of £150,000 in respect of the 2021/22 BID levy be made to Collectively Camberley Limited.
Review of the Local Council Tax Support Scheme
The Executive considered a report proposing changes to the Local Council Tax Support Scheme (LCTSS). In 2013 the Government had abolished Council Tax Benefit and asked local councils to introduce their own scheme for working age residents who need help paying their Council Tax. This had become known as Local Council Tax Support.
The Community Support Working Group had reviewed the LCTSS and had recommended the adoption of a revised scheme, which targeted households least able to pay their council tax and had a simplified process. A broad outline of the proposed scheme, along with worked examples, as detailed in the agenda report were noted.
A public consultation would be undertaken, including with precepting authorities, prior to the adoption of any new Scheme.
The Executive resolved that a consultation be undertaken on the proposed a new Local Council Tax Support Scheme, with a view to adoption from 1 April 2022. You can have your say via this link.
Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan for Surrey Heath
Surrey County Council (SCC) are working with Boroughs and Districts to produce Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIP). SCC have requested a total funding contribution of up to £190,000 to support the production of a LCWIP for Surrey Heath. The LCWIP will help to deliver significant benefits to walking and cycling routes in the Borough.
The Executive resolved that
- funding of £20,000 for phase 1 of the LCWIP be approved and that funding of up to £170,000 be approved to be reserved in the CIL main fund for phase 2 of the LCWIP
Community Infrastructure Levy
The Council has been collecting Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding since the Charging Schedule came into effect on 1 December 2014. The regulations require that CIL receipts must be reported half yearly to Executive and the Council as the collecting authority pay money over to the parishes where development has taken place. Payments must be made half yearly. It is for the parishes to decide how to use that money.
The Council had received a total of £1,577,871 for the reporting period between 1 April and 30 September 2021.
The Covid-19 pandemic and resulting national lockdown measures had affected the amount of CIL receipts collected by the Council. However, the latest reporting period had recorded a notable increase in CIL receipts in comparison to the two previous reporting periods.
The Executive resolved to note the income received in the period 1 April to 30 September 2021 as set out in Annex 1 to the agenda report, the impacts of Covid-19 on income and the amended CIL regulations due to the impact of Covid19 on the development industry.
Award of Contract
The Executive considered a report seeking authority to award a contract for refurbishment and sub division works for the Council-owned property ‘Theta’ on Frimley Road, which would enable an agreed letting at that property.
The Executive resolved that the recommendations as set out in the agenda report be agreed, including the awarding of a contract to carry out refurbishment and sub-division works to enable an agreed letting at Theta.
Annual Report on the Treasury Management Service and Actual Prudential Indicators for 2020/21, and Treasury Management Mid-Year Report for 2021/22
The Executive resolved to note the Annual report for 2020/21 on Treasury Management including compliance with the 2020/21 Prudential Indicators.
The Executive noted the Treasury Management Service performance for 2021/22, as at 30 September 2021. The report also illustrated the compliance to-date with the Treasury Management Indicators for 2021/22.
You can read more information about the Executive meeting of 16 November 2021 at